The Story Of Buddy
Yo, what is up my peeps? Buddy here. My birthday is 07-03-2016. As you will notice, I am the best model of all my siblings. I cannot help I am beautiful and that the camera loves me. So, my origin is somewhat of a mystery to my parents. Trust me, I have tried telling them my story but they do not listen. Here is what they know; One day I see a man and a child walking and I am like that looks like fun, I will follow them. They walked for what seem like miles and then they stopped at this old house with construction workers and lots happening.

I am like cool, I will just let myself in and see what is going on. There was a man and woman on the inside. They liked me – I could tell, but I could not concern myself with them yet. This place was huge, it could take days to explore it. The man and child was still outside so I went back outside and said thanks for bringing me here, but you can go now. I could tell they were not much for the cat kind so probably glad I was not following them anymore.
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Back inside, I go to the man I now call dad. He loved me at first sight, not hard to believe, but the one I call mom was not sure about me. It seems they really liked the cat kind and already had a house full. Cats everywhere! They looked for two weeks for my previous owners. I chuckle evil like, you will never find them, you are stuck with me. After no luck finding my birthplace, they were trying to find me a new home. Good luck with that, us cats are dime a dozen. You are going to be stuck with me forever, I proclaimed proudly. After many failed attempts of finding me a new home, they decided to keep me and gave me the name Buddy – due to the fact I am friendly with every one human.

So now that I live here, like I knew all along, it was time to meet my new siblings. Most of them did not like me at first but its hard to be mean especially when being so near to such perfection like myself. The heavier cat liked me right away but everyone else would need time to warm up to me. Show me around, I tell the chunky one – now known as Cadabra, or as dad calls her “Moo Moo”. This place was great. There was food out all the time for us and unlimited water though I prefer the water from the sink faucet.
The one that looks like she is anorexic is now known as Abra. She is always hissing at me. Where I come from that “hiss” means someone wants to play fight. So, every time I see her and she hisses, I attack then she cries victim and calls me a bully. I am so confused by her methods. Also here, I found an old cat – like wow a dinosaur. She goes by Sabrina. We get along quite well though she does not play, most likely due to her age, I think to myself.
Missy is always angry and bossing people around. I try to play with her all the time, but all she does is scream bloody murder and runs away or hits me. Well then, I think no wonder she is angry, she does not know how to cat. She most likely thinks she is a dog like Maggie. Maggie must have brainwashed her as she was her first playmate or it was Stockholm syndrome, but either way, she doesn’t cat well so I refuse to see her as alpha cat like the others do.

Maggie is nice for a dog. She will randomly chase us but I think that is because we get near her food. I guess since our food is out of her reach she feels that is unfair and thus gets angry if we are near hers. And she does not share anything – like nothing. Everything is hers unless otherwise noted, but nothing is noted so how am I suppose to know? She is a mystery, but she is good people once I got used to the house rules.
Aria is another story on its own, for one I didn’t know cats could be pirates, but here she was the one eye menace. We do not get along at all even to this day, but we have come to an understanding. We can even sit together if I do not touch her. I can respect her. She is pretty like me but not MY LEVEL of pretty. Putting two models together is hard, but we make it work.
Then there is Joey, holy cow what a basket case. She talks to herself and her alter ego attacks me and the other cats. She calls herself JoJo when her ears go back. Its just best to ignore her all together. I will say when she is Joey, she is nice. But she is definitely a psycho stick and you will never know what will trigger her to turn into JoJo. Honestly, it is like living with Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Then I realized, holy crap, I am the only fur dude in the house. It was not long after realizing that my dad brought home the one they call Taco. I am like, yes, finally another dude to play with – my dad gets me. But funny thing is, Taco fears everything including his shadow. So, no adventuring with this dude. He smelled like the outside. Maybe something bad happened to him out there. It is the only thing I could think of that explains his coward-ness. Although I could not take him on adventures in house, at least he knew how to play fight. In no time, Taco and I are best friends.

A few months after Taco came to live with us, they bring home another cat. He is black like the twins and Taco, but this one is male. He is not dominant but knows how to play fight. Although, sometimes he is too good at play fighting and I must retreat. He is definitely the most chilled cat I have ever met and that is saying a lot because I thought I was the most chilled cat in the world. His name is Thomas.
I have lived with this great family for three years now and I love it here even if I still want to explore the outside, which on a side note did not go so well last time. It was a few months ago. A door was opened and I made it back to the outside. My parents looked for me for like 2 days and made a sign and everything. But I was stuck under a shed down the street and scared of the dogs. Luckily someone saw me and looked online to find I was missing from one of my parents many, many posts. Not my proudest moment; but every adventure has hiccups, right? Anyways, like I was saying I love my siblings even if some are a bunch of drama queens and call me a bully. That is my story for now, but I am full of life and I know I will have a lot more to tell you the reader.
Your next read is The Story Of Thomas.