The Story Of Abra
Why, hello there. My name is Abra. I was born July 29, 2016. My sister and I were born at the shelter. Most cats complain about that place, but for me and my siblings it was not a bad place. By Halloween, all my siblings had been adopted, except myself and my sister Cadabra.
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Supposedly, we are bad luck because we are black cats. The shelter put my sister and me in our own big cage away from our mom. We had more room in our new cage and, without our siblings and Mom around, I only had to share my food with my sister- boy does she likes to eat!
A few days before Christmas, someone adopted us. Before we left, they thought it would be a great idea for Cadabra and me to see our mom one last time. I felt indifferent about the visit, but Cadabra began to hiss. I started hissing as well, because she is my sister and I support her when she is unhappy. Also, I wanted to show the humans how well Cadabra and I worked as a team. Maybe then they wouldn’t split us up and send us to separate homes.

When the humans heard all the hissing, they put Mom back in her cage. I felt sad for her because our visit hadn’t gone well, but I didn’t have much time to dwell on it because our new family was signing the papers. I was so happy to learn that they were adopting both Cadabra and me. There was a catch; however. They were also taking Old Loud Mouth with us. I didn’t realize we were a package deal, but truthfully, I don’t think she would have been adopted at all if it hadn’t been for us. We were cute little kittens, and she…well, let’s just say the ugly tree branch wasn’t nice to her.
On the car ride home, Cadabra and I were being such good kids, riding quietly in our traveling box. But the old one (our new human mom and dad call her Sabrina) was being a big baby about being in a cage. What a diva. We snickered at her, but before we knew what was happening, Sabrina was allowed to get out of her cage and be held for the rest of the car ride. No fair!
When we got to our new home…Wow! There was so much for us to do, and my sister and I couldn’t wait to get started. The old one stayed back like she was waiting for permission from the other cats who were there before us.

I refused to ask for permission to play in my new home; I knew my sister and I would have each other’s backs regardless of the consequences.
The resident cats – Missy, Joey, and Aria – used to hiss at us and call us names, especially when we ate their food. “Tough!” I said, “We are here to stay, and you will just have to get used to it!” It didn’t take long for them to get bored with us kittens, and instead they started picking on the old one. I asked Cadabra if we should come to her aid.
“She is not our sister,” Cadabra reminded me. “We owe her nothing.” My sister knew best, of course; Sabrina would have to find her own way.
This new place was so much better than the cage at the shelter. I could swat my food across the floor, and there was plenty of room to chase it around. I believe in staying healthy, and that was just the cardio workout I needed. My sister didn’t care about any of that. She would just hunch herself over the bowl and eat as much as her small body would allow. I wish she would take care of herself better.
After a while, we even began to be friends with Aria and Sabrina, but not Missy or Joey. Joey could be a great friend, but she isn’t always the same cat. She even sometimes talks about herself in the third person, as if she is two cats in one body. Joey (or JoJo, as she likes to call her other self) hides in corners and jumps out at us. Also, if we get too close to her personal space bubble, she has been known to attack us. It’s best just to avoid her altogether. Missy just yells at everybody. She is mostly harmless, but not much fun to be around.
There is another member of the family, but she is not a cat or a human. She is a dog, and they call her Maggie.

Maggie leaves us alone if we give her a percentage of our food. It’s a small price to pay to keep the peace. Some dogs are mean, but Maggie isn’t. Still, I wouldn’t want to find out what would happen if we didn’t share our food with her.
Just when we were settling into a calm, happy lifestyle, Mom and Dad brought in another cat. They called him Buddy, but they should have named him Bully because that is what he is to my sister and me. He likes to act like he is a nice cat, but when nobody is looking, he pushes Cadabra and me around. He says he is just playing, but he plays too rough for us. If we sit in mom’s or dad’s lap, however, he doesn’t bother us. He is afraid to show them he is a bully. He doesn’t mess with the other cats -much, but they don’t like him either. It’s probably because we are all girls and he is a boy – eww!
After everyone calmed down about the new cat, things returned to normal, then the humans brought home a stray named Taco! He talks strangely, but he has black fur like my sister and me, so we accept him. We black cats have to stick together because so many people think we are bad luck, but actually we are the most lovable cats of all. I am so glad my parents are not superstitious.
I am curious about what our parents feed Taco, though. It has to be something different from what we eat because he grew big like a gentle giant, tall and long. Maybe one day I will hit a growth spurt, too, but it has been four years and I am still small.

Not long after Taco arrived, our parents let another cat in. This one came from outside, and he was different from any cat we had ever known. He wasn’t mean at all, but sometimes he would walk through the house talking loudly like he was looking for a lost friend. The new cat, Thomas, was another black cat so, of course I accepted him right away, even though I thought he might be missing a few kibbles from his bowl. Cadabra really liked him, though. She would boldly go and lie next to him and ask him to clean her (which he did with no complaint). Taco, on the other hand, wasn’t thrilled with Thomas at first. He needed time to warm up to him; that has to be a male thing.
I did not see who yelled it, but after Thomas showed up, someone screamed, “No more cats!” I guess my parents listened, because they have not brought home any more since. Now that we have been new-cat-free for three years, things have really settled down. I still like to chase my food, and my sister still prefers to sit there and eat like she is starving. She has gotten bigger – not big like Taco, but round and fat. I still wish she would do some cardio and take better care of herself, but I’ve never been able to tell her what to do.
I am truly happy here. The food is always out, and the parents are always nice. There are always new boxes and other things to explore coming into the house. I think it is safe to say I love my life and could not be more pleased with the way it has turned out.
Your next read is The Story Of Cadabra.