The Story Of Taco
Good evening human. My name is Taco. I was born in the year 2015, in the month of September on the 8th day. My story begins a lot different than thy siblings. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I sat weak and weary, forgotten by time and people, it was gently raining.

I was alone in this world, forever more. The darkness engulfing my surroundings like Death’s hand closing in. Hunger and cold was how fate should see my life or so it seemed.
There were automobiles circling this building that smelt like heaven. More cruelness – I was just being taunted by the hands of fate, food I can not have. An automobile pulls through and circles back towards me. This is it, I ponder to thyself.
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The madness of hunger and rain had ready itself to devour me. The bright lights stop before getting to me – oh why do you torment thyself! A man steps out of his automobile. He begins to speak to me. Ever so gently he spoke, barely a whisper. “Here kitty, kitty, kitty.” His voice filled me with fantastic terrors I have never felt before.
I assured myself I would not answer his calls. The faintly voice sounds grim and surely would lead to my demise. But he had decorum and with food in hand he threw to me, I was to hungry to ignore the gesture that this was some kind of foul plan to harm thyself. I was so hungry and the food was good. I implore to you more good sire more.

The food tasted so good that I failed to notice that the human had gotten within reach of me. I gasped but before I could react, I was put into this human’s automobile. Darkness engulfed me -deep into that darkness, long I stood there wondering, fearing, doubting if I would ever live to tell my tale. We drove what felt like an eternity. The bumps on the road overshadow the noise, what was the human saying? I could hear a woman’s voice over the speakers. This man had entrapped another innocent victim. I scream, ” Where are you madam?” I will rescue you from this corruption of heart, to commit wickedness.
The woman’s voice vanished. I screamed, “Please relinquish me from this travesty!” The automobile came to a halt. The terror of what is to come paralyzed me. The man opens his door. I thought I could make a dash for it but the fear kept me in place. He picks me up, I fall limp in his arms. I ponder why life was such a cruel mistress during the walk from the automobile to this devil’s chamber. I am then carried into a large room. There are other felines here. Does he collect us for meals or worse? This idea sends chills down my spine. I am placed down on the floor next to some water and food, surely a ploy to lower my guard again. I refuse to fall prey to this cruel joke any longer I proclaim, but not too loudly, just loud enough for thyself to hear. I do not want any trouble.

The woman speaks to me. She is kind and welcoming. Her voice soothing to my beating heart. She begins to pet me. I recall this voice once before. Madam, you survived this mad man’s games. The man’s voice is deep and terrifying. I do not trust him but I am alive I assured thyself. He enters the room with more felines – like he is presenting his prizes for me to see.
The one he proclaims as Missy is mean and scares me. The one they call Aria is phenomenal -Aria, depending on the country of origin means “air” and “the melody” in Italian. In Albanian language means ‘treasure’ or ‘gold’, ‘of high value’. “Lioness” in Hebrew. “Noble” in Persian. She is missing an eye. Is that the punishment here? I shudder the thought. But she is scared of me and runs away. Madam I cried out. I assure you I mean no harm, but it falls on deaf ears.
The next one I meet is Joey. She didn’t say that was her name when she introduced herself, she said her name was JoJo. I like her. She is an enigma. To this day we are still good friends. We fear the same amount, but she is also bold and brave. They now introduce an older cat – Sabrina. She is wise beyond her years. She is not friendly to me, but I have heard stories that it’s the older ones take longer to adjust to change especially new people. Madam, I assure you I mean no harm and I see you as the matriarch of this group. I will honor you.
The next I am to meet is Abra and Cadabra. They are nice. These twins are also my friends. Although, we do not play together as often as I would like – it would be unruly to hurt a female. My next introduction is Buddy. Finally, another male. I greet him slowly as for sure this is his kingdom and most likely he is the Alpha of these chambers.

I was wrong. Buddy was laid back and carefree, He told me he was not the alpha and he proclaimed that title to the madam Missy. To this day Buddy is one of my best friends. He assured me that the man and woman were kind and that these were his parents. I was shocked. I never thought I would have this – a home where parents love me and feed me.
Buddy laughs at me and says I talk funny. I assure you kind sir I do not talk as you say funny. My last sibling to be introduced to me was this large scary dog. I closed my eyes. I know she will eat me without a second thought. I always avoided their kind on the streets and I am sure this will be my fate. But Maggie, as they called her, just sniffed and licked me. This was a gentle beast and truth be told, I love Maggie now but when she barks it still scares me to this day. I have now begun to be comfortable and I have accepted that this is my mother and father and my home and these other felines and dog are my siblings.
Once everything claimed down I started to eat on a regular schedule. I grew to an enormous size. I do not mean weight wise. The food made me a giant among my other feline siblings. I don’t want to be a giant I cried – everything is scary enough as it is without adding this awkwardness to my life. My life goes on…

After a while mom and dad brought in another cat. I will greet this one because I am sure he is terrified as I was thyself. I am large and awkward, and I accidentally hurt him. He does not strike back. He sadly just sits in mother’s arm bleeding at a the spot on his leg that I accidentally scratched. I apologize over and over. I scream, “Please forgive me!” This one did not hold a grudge. He is kind and does not seem to want to argue with anyone.
Mom and Dad have giving him the name of Thomas, truly a noble name. We become great friends. He is not scared of my size nor was Buddy. As the years go by we have become the Three Musketeers. To this date, I am still scared of almost everything, but Thomas and Buddy are here to assure me there is nothing to fear. Joey has even got use to me and sleeps with me. The others are shocked that Joey likes me but her craziness complements my scared-ness, and vice versa. I am happy in my home and could not imagine how long I would of survived with out Dad and Mom’s help.
Your next read is The Story of Buddy.