Hey. My name is Buddy. You might remember me from my awesome biography “The Story Of Buddy”. I want to take some time out to talk to you about our great machine, the Cat Bot or as the humans call it, the Litter-Robot which sounds too much like Skynet for me.
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Hold on bro, let me step in for a little bit. Aloha Dudes and Dudettes. Thomas here and let me say, my bro Buddy, is like already putting negative energy here with the whole like Skynet thing. Not sure about ya bruh, but that movie scared me, and this gift from the cosmic wave should not be compared to such terror. Even our bro Taco likes it, and that bloke fears almost anything. Let me start with this machine helps our gracious humans, and that pleases me.
~~~~They should be serving us even more! Screams Aria from the back.
~~ Woah Sheila, totally not cool Dudette, like we shouldn’t make our humans life any harder then it already is. We are a gift to them fo sho, but we should not be a chore to them.
Everyone is getting off-topic here so I will pick this up. Salutations readers. My name is Sabrina. I apologize for the chaotic ramblings that my siblings are giving, but I will correct this. The Litter-Robot is probably one of the most important machines in my life that I am grateful for besides the television. Dad and Mom do a fantastic job at keeping up with our litter, but this contraption cleans our litter after us after merely three minutes. The parents are good, but they are not that good. I personally do not like to use the litter pans as I do not want to use the bathroom with everyone looking at me. Plus I don’t have to wait for the humans to clean the pan as the bots are clean when I need them.
Geez Sab, pretty sure our readers are asleep with you talking. My name is Aria. Although I needs no introduction as I am the star of Kittystead and already known internationally. We got our first bot when it was just me and my small entourage. Back then it was just Missy and Joey. Times were simpler then and the bot was just a way for our humans to be lazy, as this machine did their job for them. The others oooohhhed and aaaahhhhed over it but honestly, it does not take much to entertain them. Not going to lie though, it is fun watching it spin. I like to sit inside of it to watch it spin, but it stops when I go inside and starts when I am on the outside. Figures it does not know its place to just entertain me when I want it to.
Excuse me, Madam, but I do believe you are filled with animosity and not explaining this correctly hence the reader’s trepidation. Hello. To some, I might be considered eccentric, but I assure you that I, Taco, a cat of valor accentuate, am merely a simple cat. When I arrived in this family there were already two Litter-Robots here. Never have I seen such exquisite craftsmanship. I assure you, I did not plan on growing to this abnormal size, and most would ponder why I like this bot, but as a great Doctor once said, it is bigger on the inside. The human engineers even thought to put a low blue light as to abate the darkness. For the sake of brevity, I assure you, your cat will love this bot tremendously.
Not so fast on that Taco. JoJo likes the bot, yes, but it scares me. Some of you readers might have forgotten me. I am Joey and JoJo. The bot is too enclosed for me. I cannot see my enemies approaching…..
We have no enemies, JoJo growls. ~~Joey says, I prefer the pan. It’s open and I can easily flee if something seems scary. ~~I can see where you are coming from Joey, JoJo proclaims, but I assure you this bot is so much better, but the pans are nice to have as a backup.
Are you done talking to yourself Joey? Good. Hello. My name is Cadabra and this is my little sister, Abra. I am a huge fan of the bot. For one, it looks like a doughnut and that makes me hungry…

You are always hungry Cadabra, Abra says rolling her eyes. I do not like the bot personally. It has too many smells with all of us using it and I like the pans because they are in the open. Although almost everyone uses the bot, everyone still uses the pans as well, because sometimes waiting 3 minutes seems like a task with 9 cats.
Ok everyone needs to just stop. My name is Missy and I will tell you the truth on this Litter-Robot. First off, I personally like it and hate it at the same time. Yes, it is enclosed and holds more litter longer for us, but I like to use the pans because I also like to throw litter around like it’s confetti. I mean that is the true point of cat litter, right? I mean I can do this with the Litter-Robot but it just makes it twice as hard for me to do.
I am just going to interrupt you here. Maggie says to Missy. I hate the Litter-Robot because I like to eat the cat poop in the pans when the parents are not looking. I mean I thought I was what mattered and what I want is cat poop. It tastes like yall’s cat food and the litter just adds a crunchy texture to it. I get in trouble when I get caught doing this, true, but I just sometimes find it’s easier to ask for forgiveness then permission. Sadly this Litter-Robot cleans it before I can get to it.
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~~~Altogether, the cats say, ~~~Eww!! Oh, you are gross Maggie!
It’s me, Buddy, again. Since I was rudely interrupted at the beginning, I will sum up our REVIEW. It is pretty much unanimous that we cats love our Litter-Robots, and we would not want to picture life without them. Maybe Dad and Mom will get us a third one for Christmas so we can lower the number of pans even more. Wink Wink.
I say, good sir, that was quite a smooth way of asking publicly like thy just did. Taco says.
Like alright, Dudes and Dudettes. Thomas chimes in. We hope you enjoyed our review of the LITTER-ROBOT. I know it was like tubular and all. If you want more of us, be sure to sign up for the human’s newsletter for like tips and upcoming stuff to this most righteous site bros. ~~Buddy in the background, I was supposed to end today’s blog. ~~Thomas answers Buddy. Well, like bro, we are out of time. Thomas back to the reader. So I will see yall in the next wave of the blog. A reminder to all the Blokes and Sheilas out there, have like the most pleasant time. This wave does not last forever, like peace out bro.

This is the best! I can’t wait for my kids to come home from school and read this! Poor Maggie…haha haha!
Does the bot make a lot of noise? I’ve read that automatic litters can scare cats because of how much noise they make.
It has a small humming sound when spinning but none of our cats have ever noticed. For us, these machines have been a life saver…. well, at least a BACK SAVER.
This is amazing!
This post is engaging, funny, and informative. I personally would never have a cat, but I enjoyed reading about the cats and the Litter Bot!
Litter Bot looks fun and modern!
May give that a shot in the future!
Please check back if you do… not only do you get a discount for clicking our link, we get a few bucks. Also, let us know how your furbabies react to it. Thanks so much.