5 Best Hypoallergenic Cats

hypoallergenic cats kittystead

5 Best Hypoallergenic Cats

A few days ago, while we were out shopping, we had an interesting conversation with our check out lady. Of course, in our basket to buy, was cat toys. At check out, the young lady behind the counter said that she wants a cat very badly but could not have one as her mother has allergies. We asked her had she thought about getting a hypoallergenic cat?

hypoallergic disclaimer

The young lady clearly stated she was not familiar with that term and that she wants to know more information as she is now excited that adopting a cat may be an option for her and her mother. Later we started to think about how many people could be missing out on the joys of owning a cat, people that are allergic, and did not know that they may have this option…. Really, can you have your cake and eat it too? – or can you, in this case, adopt a cat and live in harmony without your newest addition affecting your allergies? Below we are going to go over several breeds that may not set off allergies – these are our TOP 5 choices. Sadly, in the cat world, there are only a handful of hypoallergenic breeds. If you know of other breeds please be sure to comment below. We would also like to mention that there are breeds of dogs for people who suffer terrible allergies as well but we will cover that one in a later post. This article is written in hopes to help our check out girl and others that wish to adopt a cat but have reservations because of allergies.

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1. Siberian Cat

aria Siberian cat sleeping
Aria our Siberian Cat

As many of you know, our Aria is a Siberian Cat. She was adopted from our local shelter and is 1st on our list of the 5 Best Hypoallergenic Cats as she is our favorite hypoallergenic breed. Looking at all that fur, she looks like her breed should not belong on this list. The breed Siberian cat is known to produce a very low level of Fel D1 which is the protein that cats secrete from their skin and their saliva that can irritate you causing symptoms of allergies. (lower allergen levels, not allergen-free) Siberians that are spayed or neutered have lower Fel d1 levels than if they were not spayed or neutered. You can test your furbaby to see what their levels are and then ask your Doctor how this will or will not affect you.
Assuming all the Siberian cats are like our Aria, they are a fantastic breed. To us, we call her our little ferret as she is always getting into everything. She keeps us on our toes. This breed is extremely agile and can (and will) leap great distances and heights. Aria loves to sit on Dad’s shoulder and walk around like a parrot. This is a very intelligent breed and can be trained as a canine. Also, note, Siberian cats will get along with other felines, canines, and children. They are known to be problem solvers. This works to their advantage while trying to figure out ways around your rules so they can get what they want. For example, Aria is not allowed on the table BUT if there is a book on the table, she jumps to it. The downside though, they do shed.

2. Balinese Cat

Balinese Cat

This next breed is another that with 1st glance you would think should not be on our list. The Balinese is another beautiful furbaby that produces low Fel D1. You may know that gorgeous look as a long-haired Siamese cat. FYI that term is almost taboo in breeding circles. The Balinese are generally very active, social, affectionate, and known to be very intelligent. They grow up to be a medium-size cat much like the Siberian cat and they love to play. They can be extremely curious. We highly recommend lots of cat toys and a scratching post.
The Balinese can be trained very easily in their clever nature. They do need companionship as they do not like to be left alone. Cats have a reputation of just barely acknowledging their humans but, from our experience with our 9 cats, secretly they crave human attention. The Balinese are also pet friendly and kid-friendly. Their exercise levels are very high so we also suggest a cat wheel for your newest addition. The Balinese is a great breed but can be just a little needy for attention.

3. Sphynx Cat

Sphynx Cat

The next breed makes sense as to why it is on our list as when you 1st think of hypoallergenic cats you think of anything hairless. The Sphynx breed is a hairless cat or almost hairless as it can have very fine hair. We want to first mention that the Sphynx is a lot higher maintenance than the other two listed above. One issue that may be a deal-breaker to some is the Sphynx needs a weekly bath. (hope your new addition likes water…) The reason for a weekly bath is with the Sphynx having no hair their skin becomes very oily and that oil attracts dirt and germs just like humans. The Sphynx will get dirt in all of his/her skin crevices – mostly around the neck and under the arms. Yes baths, but no brushing and no hair all over your house and clothes.
The Sphynx is truly a great option as they are one of the more dog-like breeds of cats. They frequently greet their owners at the door. They are friendly when meeting strangers. The Sphynx, due to their lack of fur can be warm to touch and like warm spaces. Because of that, some like to play dress up in cat coats to help keep them warm. They are a lovable, playful breed with lots of energy. The Sphynx enjoys human companionship and mostly will get along fine with other cats as well as dogs. Although the Sphynx likes to be the center of attention.
Since cat allergies can come from Fel D1 levels and may not matter if the cat has hair or not so we must mention that the skin of Sphynx may affect your allergies. For this reason, we highly recommend spending time with this and every breed before you adopt.

4. Russian Blue Cat

Russian Blue Cat

The next breed on our list is the Russian Blue. First off, we love the look of this breed and would love to have one. This breed has a very thick coat but sheds very little. Shedding, with our 9 cats and 1 corgi is definitely an issue in our house. Keep in mind, the Russian Blue will still need to be brushed to help remove loose hair.
Russian Blue cats make great companions for first-time pet parents, working singles, and families with older children. This breed is very affectionate but not clingy like Balinese. Though they will love everyone, this breed is known to form a deep connection with only one person.
They are very intelligent and playful. They can be shy and disappear if strangers come over. This breed is low maintenance and tends to be a quiet breed. There is a lot of folklore with this cat. If you get a chance, research the lore. It is interesting.

5. Devon Rex Cat

Devon Rex Cat

Now let us talk about the Devon Rex. Like every breed on our list, the Devon Rex is also very intelligent. Devon Rex is fun-loving, relaxed, social, and a little devilish. Almost sounds like our cat Joey but she is not related to this breed…that we know of anyways.
In some circles, they call this breed pixie or elf cats due to their oversized ears. Devon Rex’s will sit on your shoulder, or your lap; they will wag their tail, and will also retrieve toys that you toss. The Devon Rex is also known for their curiosity so, if you have somewhere you don’t want him/her to go, then prepare to cat-proof.
The Devon Rex will follow you around to see what you are doing and will even go with you to the shower -a little water will not stop him/her if they feel they have to know what it is you are doing in there. The Devon Rex is fun-loving and low maintenance and would be a great addition to anyone’s home.

That concludes our list of the best 5 Hypoallergenic Cats:
⦁ Siberian Cat
⦁ Balinese Cat
⦁ Sphynx Cat
⦁ Russian Blue Cat
⦁ Devon Rex Cat

In our opinion, any of these 5 cat breeds would make a great companion and addition to your home. If you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comments. Be sure to follow our social media sites and sign up for our newsletter for all things Kittystead.

Us, 9 cats and a Corgi make up our kittystead. We all live with 3 humans near Nashville, TN in the United States of America. Our Dad is retired military. Dad takes almost all our photos and videos and also, is the owner of THE GRAY ART. (https://www.instagram.com/thegrayart/) Mom mostly stays at home with us but does leave for her own outside adventures often.

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