Hello everyone. Welcome to this week’s blog post. As we are sure you have guessed by this week’s title we will be covering some of our favorite pet toys. We will cover the good, the bad, and the ugly of the pet toys we have tried and what has worked and what has failed with our pets. Note: not all cats and dogs will react the same way to the toys listed below and this is strictly our own opinion and what we have seen with our nine cats and our Corgi.
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If you are a seasoned fur parent then probably not many things surprise you as a toy for your pet. Our Corgi, Maggie, loves stuffed animals. One of her favorites in the past was a Tickle Me Elmo. Do not worry, that is not going to be on this list. We are just merely telling new pet parents that these fur-ever-toddlers are just that, toddlers. There is hardly a rhyme or any reason to what they play with but there are a few that are worth trying. So, if your pet falls in love with a stuffed animal just make sure the “toy” is safe. Check for beads or any other choking hazards that could be inside.
So, without any further delay, we present our top pet toy list according to our pets.
1. OurPets Ball Of Furry Fury Cat Toy

This toy can run $6 to 10 US dollars depending on where you purchase this item. This toy is a ball with a mouse in the middle that squeaks when the ball rolls or really any movement. In the photo, you will see a kitten playing with the ball of furry fury. We can assure you NONE of our 9 cats liked this toy at all. We tried everything to get their attention to it. NOPE – nothing! Not interested. Just when we were sure that we wasted $7 bucks for this now useless CAT toy our Corgi started playing with it. Maggie was in love with this toy. The toy was marketed for cats but secretly it was made for dogs apparently. lol. In fact, Maggie (our corgi) loved this so much that when the first one broke (due to our kid stepping on it) we had to buy her another one.

Granted, most people already know a laser pointer and cats go together like peanut butter and jelly but for the new fur parents out there we want to make sure you know this could be your cat’s best toy. In our house, we do have 2 of our 9 that don’t give a care for it, but, hey, can’t make everyone happy all the time – even cats! They all have their own unique and different personalities for sure. Some of our cats are extremely active with this while others will wait for it to be in their bubble and use as little energy as possible to try to catch the light. Still, overall, a great toy for the kitties.

Okay, hear us out about this one. No, we have not lost our minds. Our cats and Corgi love pool noodles. They are extremely cheap and all you have to do is chop them into smaller tubes. Our cats love to have the smaller lengths so they can hold it and kick it with their back paws. Our Maggie likes fetching one and tearing it into little pieces and throwing said pieces around. W can not make this up. We have strange children lol. Try it – locally here you can pick them up for $1-3 bucks.

Next up on our list is more of a helpful item than a toy, but none the less our cats play with the pieces that come off this item. The biggest downside to the cardboard scratcher is the mess, but they do have so much fun with it. Also, they sell kind of high. We buy ours at 5 Below which saves us a few bucks for this temporary item that needs to be replaced every few months. We have referenced a few others here but definitely shop around and hopefully, you will find a great deal somewhere to try it out. Granted if you only a cat of two yours might last longer.
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5. Cardboard Box

Our next listed item is mostly free. At our house, thanks to covid, we have purchased a lot of online shopping so boxes are easy to come by. We normally leave a box out for the cats for a week till recycle comes then we give them a new box for a week. Of course, the boxes are all various sizes so the cats will also entertain themselves with boxes regardless of sizes, if it fits it sits. You can’t go wrong with a box and a cat.
6. Cat Towers

Cat towers are a great item to have in the house for any cat owner. It gives them something to explore and it gives cats somewhere to sit on that is high. Also, most of them have toys to keep them engaged for a while or until they tear them off. Plus it is something they can scratch so they won’t use your couch or chair as a scratching post- at least that is one of our main goals.

This toy is so much fun for them, and, for us, it is fun to watch as they try to catch the ball or watching them try to figure out how to get the ball out. You guessed it, some of our cats have figured out how to remove the bottom layer ball, so there is that. Then your beloved fur children get to watch you either looking for a said ball or getting it out from wherever it hid. Fun for all.

Our Corgi loves stuffed animals, Mostly she loves to tear them up so if you buy one of these for your furbaby make sure to buy they ones approved for cats or dogs and one that has double stitching to hopefully last a long time for you and them as these items are not cheap. Here at Kittystead, we have found that the stuffed toys in the human baby section hold up a lot better than any dog stuffed toy that we have purchased. As mentioned above, you need to be careful that the toy does not have beads in it, or hard plastic eyeballs that could be ripped off and become a hazard to him or her.
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The flopping fish moves – it is that simple. This will keep your cat active and entertained. Plus it is interesting to watch their reaction to this toy so will keep the humans entertained as well. The downside is that this toy needs to be charged so when you do charge it be sure it is out of sight during charge time.
That’s it. That is our list of some of the toys we have played with over the years with our 9 cats and doggy. All though, to be honest, cats are just as happy with a soda bottle cap so don’t think you have to spend a lot of money to keep your pets entertained. Thank you for joining us for this week’s blog. Be sure to sign up for our Kittystead newsletter for tips tricks and more to come to Kittystead.com